Distinctly Christian The fact that Newby Management is a “Christian company” has never been hidden under a rock. Through the years this practice has brought positive results and it has brought about negative experiences as well. If I was trying to be super spiritual...
The Chaplain’s blog is a space for faith-based discussions and how those principles carry over into our every day operations at Newby Management.
Give it to God
Give it to God 1/31/23 Philippians 4:6-9 So often in life I would “pray” and “give something over to God” only to pick it up again…Not satisfied with God’s timing…His answer…His silence on the matter…I truly believe experiencing the blessing promised in scripture of...
Engaging The Word
Through the years there have been times in my life of great discipline and commitment given to the reading and study of the Bible. At other times, my attentiveness to the Word of God has been less than inspiring. The plain truth of the matter is, I can look back now...
More Than a Resolution
Chaplains Blog More Than a Resolution New Year 2022 So often today I find that the heart of Christians is in the right place but their priorities regarding life are skewed. It doesn’t take long for misplaced priorities to impact the relationship one has with those...
Consider A World Without Christmas
Christmas, what a wonderful time of the year. I pray you are planning to celebrate the coming of our Lord Jesus with family, friends, and gifts, yes make it a special time. So often at this time of the year we are reminded that Jesus is the reason for the season, that...
Genuine Thanksgiving
Genuine Thanksgiving November 16, 2022 One of the greatest expressions of thanksgiving comes from King David and is recorded in Psalm 100 just six verses in the entire chapter and yet they truly reflect the character of genuine thanksgiving. Psalm 100 “Make a joyful...