Camelot East, a 55+ Newby Management Community in Sarasota, Florida.
What’s the best way to protect your community’s assets? Empower your team memebrs!
It’s a mantra you’ll hear countless times at Newby Management. It holds true in a variety of circumstances and often proves to be invaluable in the workplace, especially when it comes to protecting your assets in a manufactured home community or RV resort.
Number 10 in our 10 Basics for all team members states “Protecting the assets of your community is the responsibility of every team member.” Whether it’s the community/resort manager or someone on the maintenance crew, everyone should feel empowered to protect the assets.
Empowering your team members to take responsibility for the community’s assets means first making them feel part of a team. People who feel valued by their employers often take more responsibility and pride in their positions than people who don’t. Invested employees notice cracks in the walls or issues when the checkbook is being balanced.
In essence, these team members feel like the community/resort finances are their own and treat the assets as they would their home. As a management company, it’s why we value every member of our team, treating them all with the respect and dignity they deserve.
You’ll often see that our business philosophy boils down to respect, compassion and care. Successfully managing a community/resort isn’t about the bottom line, it’s about the people. When you find ways to meet the needs of your team members and residents, you’ll see that the bottom line comes up to meet you, rather than you always having to chase it down. As a famous author once said “Profits are a lagging indicator of how well the customer is taken care of”.
There’s so much that goes into protecting your community/resort assets, both the tangible and intangible ones. In the end, your team members play an important and integral role in how well assets are protected. At Newby Management, our accounts payable team member often says that she treats the company’s money like her own. She monitors each dollar that goes out, checks for consistencies and always follows through when something doesn’t seem right.
That kind of dedication and attention to detail comes from team members who feel valued and important. They see themselves as key players on the team and take initiative when problems arise. They are self-starters and ambassadors of their positions. Through them, problems are addressed and solved in a timely manner.
Ask yourself, would a team member in your manufactured home community or RV resort feel the power and responsibility to take action if they noticed an issue with an asset in the community? Would they have the drive and the concern to make the issue known? Would they feel they could handle the issue on their own?
Remember, when you’re managing a mobile home community or RV resort, you should always put people first. The results will always pay off in the end. This is a concept we can say we’ve seen hold true again and again in our business, and it likely will in yours too.